Sunday, December 19, 2010

DDD versus Klep

DDD has recently been coined for the purpose of being added to pk symbology. I added it via my deschooling blog, InfoAll. The deed has given me another self-appelled nickname, General DDD.

Kleptocracies amass power by regulating information. This deschooler not only founded the world's first offering of a low-cost digital library, a low-tech social networking internet, all in 1970, but seconded as well Ivan Illich's curse against kleptocratic regulaion. DDD abbreviates a series of "De"s. DeSchool is perhaps the most obvious: but only if you understand Illich's deschooling will you see the rest. "School" was the first in a series of "professions" that Illich attacked: as non-Christian, incompatible with conviviality. His worst trouble came when he attacked his fellow priests (he got defrocked, put in Coventry, stripped of financing). His most far reaching trouble came when he attacked the health industry. The priests hadn't take it lying down, neither had the school teachers, but it was the doctors who really aroused themselves to finance his erasure. I allied myself to Illich after he'd already been disposed of by the church: just in time to get myself eclipsed as well: by the teachers, the lawyers, the doctors, the nurses, the pharmers ... the media! all with the connivance of the public.

DDD: DeSchool! DeRegulate! DeProfessionalize. It might be best in this order: DeRegulate – DeProfessionalize — DeSchool.

The General in General DDD is also significant: I echo Bucky Fuller's plea for generalists to repair damage done by over-specialization! (I also refer to General Sutter, the developer of California whose gold as well as land and livestock we stole in 1849. He promoted himself to Colonel, then General: I think that's a riot, especially since deschooling requires that I not so much as admit to a BA let alone an MA let alone a Ph.D.!) (I carry the reverse snobbism of Dr. Sagan's fellow doctors calling each other "Mister" to a new level.) (Carl Sagan addressed me as Doctor Knatz. So did Rollo May! I love it. They took correction from me!)

Back in the 1960s, Monseigneur Ivan Illich, a Roman Catholic priest, the most famous in the world apart from the Pope, said that if the Roman Catholic Church wished to become Christian, it would have to
  1. Give up its property
  2. Deprofessionalize its priesthood.
Illich pointed out that mass should be said by members of the congregation: the butcher, the baker ... not by someone paid to do so. (In my words: Property is incompatible with the imitation of Christ, so is making a living from it. St. Paul was a tent maker, Peter was a fisherman, Jesus was a carpenter ... Mary was the professional: she subsidized Jesus and Peter.) Illich applied the same liberalism to all professions. Parents and neighbors and skilled amateurs should teach children. If professionals are hired as teachers they should be hired via a free market place, not politically imposed, and paid by state controlled theft of public funds. Skilled butchers and bakers might kill fewer patients if they did our health care. I cure headaches, untwist backs: I've never charged a penny, neither have I killed anyone with my treatments: why pay $30,000 to a hospital that kills people every day? So they can cut off your left leg when you asked for your right breast to be X-rayed? The more expensive the treatment, the more lethal it's likely to become.

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