Friday, July 15, 2011

pKnatz as K.

PKnatz blog is becoming the new, repository for pk domains, ASAO,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

pk Online

I had five domains, several blogs, thousands of essays and other text files, thousands of images on line. The fed destroyed all that, all but destroyed me.

I can't afford to repost, so I've been recreating some classic pk modules at blogs.

Here's what I'm going to do now: get all my files into a blog, sorting by blog specialty.
Then, reorder, as logically as I can, so visitors can browse by type categories: Teaching / or Personal /

I'm going to stop explaining all this every time I mount a new post.
Then I'm going to my five destroyed domains back up, restoring the original logic, improving on the original logic.


G-men. I remember when I was a kid. WWII. GIs. Government issue. Everything G was supposed to be good. TV and radio were filled with shows about Government Men protecting us from the likes of Al Capone.

Actually, I learned at Columbia College, the Feeb's main budget had always been to interfere with anarchists, to use any kind of dirty trick to make people know that freedom of speech means that their bread is buttered by compliance (and that the G has weapons, no conscience, and will use them!)

It ain't easy. Americans have always had an anarchist streak. Hell, even English royalists found an anarchist streak when confronted with a stream of James, Charles, Cromwell. Nevertheless: that's what the feebs do. That's what they were always intended to do. But that is not what the public has been programmed to believe. Even while the Feebs were arresting me, setting me up for federal censorship, I don't doubt that they, and the assisting sheriff's men, believed that they were acting for good: against an enemy of society.

Well, depending on what you mean by society, I am an enemy: or, among its staunchest supporters.

If Pilat means "the Roman empire" by "society," then Pilat should comfortably see that Herod and Caiaphas are right: Jesus was an enemy of society. (God is an enemy of society. ...)

Even before the FBI arrested me, jailed me, seized my computers, sluiced me into a kangaroo trial, censorship, and the fed destruction of my business, all because I complained about being defrauded in a way that almost got heard, I could barely keep up with the variety of testimonies I had to make against my society and its institutions. But somehow I missed making this basic point online: the FBI's initiating budget was not to fight crime, it was to sabotage the possibility of theorists against government getting heard.

Hey, look how well they've succeeded! And the public is as stupid as the feebs: they think they're freely thinking, freely expressing themselves, they think they have access to reliable information ... Actually their dick might as well be sewn into their mouths.

Stalking Horse

The German people used Hitler to invade Poland, to persecute queers, dissidents, Jews. The German people used Hitler, democratically elected him, so that he could handle the details of their nation, their collective, their society's misdeeds. The German people used Hitler to do their dirty work in such a way that they would not know, not be responsible for, murdering Jews, stealing their pianos, their homes, stealing the gold in their teeth. Hell, any Christian is entitled to steal anything from any Jew, isn't he? Isn't it really a kind of obligation?

The German people used Hitler the way girls seduce guys: by not knowing they're doing it! Ignorance is innocence.

The German people used Hitler the way Americans used Washington: to steal anything from anybody: the forest from the soil, the land from the natives, gold from the Lakota, from John Sutter ...

The German people used Hitler the way Americans use Congress, and MIT ... to steal cybernetic networking, cybernetic record keeping from Ivan Illich and Paul Knatz: without paying royalties, without giving credit.

Americans used Washington, and Lincoln, and Reagan ... the way they use the school board: so that no one will know where anything really comes from, except in the version the school board wants them to believe. The school board falsifies information the way the Bible scribes falsified scripture.

Individuals are responsible for their behavior: groups use a stalking horse: so that their left hand knoweth not what their right hand doeth, and visa versa.

Americans used MIT, and Al Gore, to steal from pk so that when God says to them at Judgment, "How come you didn't support my servant Ivan, my servant pk, sent to help you," all the people of the world can say, and mean it, "We didn't know, The Times didn't tell us, the school misinformed us ..."

I didn't put that in my pocket, Hitler put it there.

It isn't our fault.

And then what will God say? I don't think he'll have to say anything. It's what he'll do that I look forward to seeing: long after my death I don't doubt, but still ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Fair" Trial

Fair Trial doesn't mean an examination open to truth; it means, in a kleptocracy, that the judge wears a black robe (like any good illusionist), it means that the kleptocrats make the decisions. The whole point is to justify the Germans in Poland, the US in Lakota territory, the US taking, and keeping, Sutter's gold ...

Kleptocrats talk about fair trials. In his Celt vs Saxon novels Bernard Cornwell has King Alfred talk compulsively about "fair trials": capture the invading Dane, give him a fair trial, and execute him. In other words, trials are rituals. ordeals; "fair" is a meaningless adjectival appendage.

When Shakespeare talked about "fair" he typically meant appealing to look at, fair skinned, blond, light complected: sort of what Hitler meant by "Aryan." But I think the law intends to evoke feelings of objectivity, even-handedness, openness to facts, to truth ... Nobility, justice ...

When the FBI arrested me, the judge, after five months of my incarceration, me suffering freezing and myriad other torments, was punctilious about fairness from his bench. From day three I had been provided with an attorney. Over those five months my attorney made it clear that he understood major parts of what I regarded as the essentials of my situation. I am the deschooler; I'd offered cybernetic record keeping and cybernetic social networking as a potential substitute, improvement over, the school system. School is compulsory, my system was designed to be open: School is expensive, my system was designed to be cheap. School makes knowledge scarce, mine would permit knowledge to spread, cheaply, openly, without artificial constraint. ... I invented this "internet" "because" no school I had ever attended, public, Columbia, NYU, had ever understood the essence of what I tried to tell them. (And no school I had ever attended had ever understood that it hadn't understood what I tried to tell them.) (The schools seemed to believe that the state giving them license to license magically made them competent to license!) I wanted an open forum to speak from: if the public itself didn't understand me, then I'd done all I could: I could rest easy with God, I'd done what he'd asked, I'd done what I'd promised: I wasn't' responsible for the result where failure is the result of stupidity of close mindedness on the part of the audience. Jesus offered an opportunity for salvation: the salvation wasn't guaranteed. The human has to meet God at least part way. We should both crucify divine messengers and expect to be forgiven: not when we keep the crucifixions active.

The schools seemed to believe
that the state giving them license to license
magically made them competent to license!

Did Jesus get a fair trial from the Romans? from the Temple? from the Jewish state? Fair meaning just? Truthful? Open to fact? Not deaf to testimony?

My public defender understood the essence of all that. He saw that it was true that I'd been inspired by God, that I had invented the internet and that the invention was inspired: I wasn't claiming to have been able to think of it myself. I was inspired by a chain of inspirations: by God, by Jesus ... by this and that saint, this and that genius ... by Ivan Illich (and by Bucky Fuller, and so forth). My public defender also made it clear to me that he would make no effort to communicate any of these truths to the court: and, that if I tried, the court would make it go very hard on me. The good citizens of Palm Beach country could be relied on to provide twelve angry kleptocrats, indignant and vengeful at a truth teller. "I may burn in hell for this forever," quoth Dave Lee Brannen, Esq.

See? By fair trial I mean what I think Jesus would mean; the law school graduates, the bar members, mean what King Alfred meant.

King Alfred was king to the tribe in the British Isles who had been there for a while. His ancestors had colonized, invaded, prior to other contemporary invaders. Any people his people had displaced were gone, their traces evaporated. Alfred was determined to repel newer invaders: the Saxons, the Danes. The Normans hadn't arrived yet: but they would, in 1066.

Or was Alfred a Saxon, ploughing aside the Celts? The point is the same: they're all kleptocrats. And the first humans to arrive had pushed aside the forest, the game ... the quail, the hedgehog ...

It's simple. I want man to live simply. Deforesting, polluting, burning candles at every end, I don't want us to live.

I don't believe that we will live. To me Christ represents reasonable hope for long life: sustainable life. To me God is not magic for our side, but truth, the essence of truth. Science! What we need science, not the Bible, to try to fathom.

I believe in humble man, and a humble God. I do not believe in trials: especially not in trials with lies attached in advance: fair trial. pointed out in more than one place that fair trial was an oxymoron: a paradox, a contradiction. Trial is a synonym of "ordeal": a group torturing an individual. Fair doesn't (by itself) mean that at all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Salt Empire

Rome was one of a number of farming settlements. It had hills, a river. Its population grew, developed a political hierarchy. Whatever mischief they do Hitler, Mussolini can sometimes make the trains run on time. If you can beat off nomads, defend against raiders, grow a surplus, the next thing you know you have an olive oil trade. Rome prospered. Rome dominated.

And of course Rome, already populated, already over-populated, became even more over-populated. Continued expansion covers that problem: temporarily.

Enter the Caesars. Galia est omni divisa in partes tres. Julius said that, Gaius of the Julii, the original Caesar. Romans didn't just defend their seven hills, they didn't just defend their country; they conquered your country, and then defended that: your country: as theirs!

Gaul ("Galia") referred to western Europe. There was no France, there was no Germany: there were peoples, filling their slots, then over-populating, expanding, getting beaten back: by geography, by climate ... by other peoples, by other ways of life.

Traipsing around Galia the Romans found prospering salt mines. Cavemen can live without salt mines; civilizations cannot. A little salt is good for lots of things; but an army can't travel, can't become (or remain) a standing army, without food preservation (and transport): salt. With enough salt you can feed old fish, old meat, old veggies to the chattel: especially to the troops. The bad food eaters will dominate the fresh food eaters. The over-populators will crush the groups who were living sustainably: take everything they have from them.

The salt mines the Romans "discovered" (as in Columbus discovered America) were run by the Celts. The Romans weren't good at inventing things; they excelled at stealing things from the inventors, from the developers, and then administering them. In Schindler's List the Nazis kill the Jew for giving them good advice, then follow her advice! (But the Nazis will be forever unable to invent the good advice in the first place!)
(How long will humans think they can murder the god and still have more golden egg?)

The poor Celts. They were beautiful, inventive, fertile ... They'd spread across western Europe, east and west. Till Rome, from the south, stomped on them. (And then Saxons, then Danes, then Normans stomped on them further, squeezing their remnants into Wales, into Scotland, Ireland, and corners of "France."

After the Caesars it was Romans who taught salt mining to the stomped-upon Celts.

But you know, contemporary history is no different: in too damn many essentials. I offered cybernetic data basing, community networking, in 1970, as a tool for the people to seize and use against coercive government. But the already stomped (and over-stomped) people sat with their thumb in their ass, waiting for the state to force them to feed themselves, to defend themselves, to learn to read, to go to work. Eventually, slowly, the fed saw the power of my tool. So they merely appropriated it: running it themselves.

(Me they knocked over, put me in jail.)
The Nazi saw the Jew invent a shiv. The Nazi takes the shiv. The Nazis use the shivs against the inventors. The enslavers steal the liberators' tools: and say nothing of the theft.

Stupid damn people think the government "gave" them the internet!

States are thieves. Oh, they invent: bombs, rifles, nukes ... Under the false banner of order they then order the inventors around.

Gaia birthed us. We showed some potential (as well as beaucoup embarrassing traits). If moma can't birth better babies she ought to bash baby's head against a rock.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The law must mix purposes, shift ground, make adjustments.

At all times keep in mind this question: Whom does the law serve?

Is the law for the convenience of an owner of the herd (of humans)? Or can justification for law only be found in protecting the herd from the rulers?

The problem for rulers of how to get the people to agitate against their own interests has been found admirably in the US: especially since the Civil War, since WW I, since the Depression ...