Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jared Diamond's Kleptocracy


"How come Britain is so powerful?" That's what Col. Harry Brighton is asking in the Lawrence of Arabia version of Prince Feisal's tent.
"Guns," says Prince Feisal. "Discipline!" says the frustrated Col. Brighton.
Guns agrees T. E. Lawrence.

Guns, Germs, & Steel, Jared Diamond agrees, elaborating in what he calls, correctly, the first scientific "history."

The situation was WWI. The movie was 1962. Diamond's book is 1998. (This module is 1999, and I'm revising it this 2004 11 29 (and reposting it to a blog, after federal censorship, this 2009 02 26!)

God bless Jared Diamond. For years, decades, I've been unhappily using the word civilization to mean the juggernaut of environmental degradation, theft of the commons, and factitious hierarchical force for the sake of surplus food and damaging population levels. I've had to salt notes here and there to emphasize that by civilization I do not mean music, art, literature, manners ... Those latter are tens of thousands of years old at the least. Citifying the biosphere is only six thousand years old at the most. For tens of millennia modern man had had culture organized in bands, occasionally in tribes. Agriculture was discovered around ten and a half thousand years ago. By six thousand years ago, the farmers had monopolized and degraded enough land for it to be becoming a problem. Chiefdoms formed and finally states. (See my Tower of Babel [once I can repost it].)

So how do you tell a kleptocrat from an ordinary scoundrel?
How shall I your true love know
From another one?
By his cockle hat and staff
And his sandal shoon

By their exemption from ordinary standards of accountability. The government, any government, makes a treaty. The government breaks the treaty. Does everyone pronounce the government a liar, a breaker of trust? No. Or it doesn't matter if they do. The next day, month, year, decade, the government is making new treaties. Day after day after day of Watergate the Nixon White House was caught telling the public more lies. Did the press, the public re-gather at the White House to remove and punish the frauds? No, they reassembled, hats in hand, to hear the next day's lies.

All governments are kleptocracies, but by the standards offered here many other institutions are also kleptocracies. The Church claims that God created the universe, that he owns it, that everything is his property, that he can give it, take it away, and re-give it at his pleasure. The Church further claims that it, the church, represents this God. No evidence. At least no evidence that wouldn't be laughed out of any rational assembly. OK, let's hypothetically accept the Church's statements: there is just the one God, or at least he's the boss god, he owns everything, and he told the story in a book, the Bible, there's only one Bible and the Church has it. They understand it and can explain it to you. But then, with Greek being relearned, the possibility of reading the Septuagint, of criticizing the Vulgate emerged. What did the Church do? They tried to repress the knowledge. They made it a capital offense to learn Greek. And they, kleptocrats true, went on making claims that, if those claims hadn't been deliberate lies before the discovery, they were certainly deliberate lies afterwards.

And it's not just the Church. Doctors are the second leading cause of death, but are they accountable? No. If fact their kleptocrat allies do everything in their considerable power to force you to endanger yourself at their expensive hands. Your law suit goes kablouie if, having been injured by one doctor, you don't endanger yourself further by going to another, and another ... until you find one who'll testify against the first. (Good luck.) The evidence of your injury isn't evidence until it's been blessed by another killer. (And meantime, you're now also in the hands of the lawyers!)

Time and again school teachers are caught teaching falsehoods. Time and again evidence surfaces that the best teachers are fired while the worse get tenure.

The Church had said that God made the universe so that everything revolved around the central earth. The Bible didn't say so: the Church just granted itself the privilege of making up God's mind for him. Galileo built a telescope and first thing found satellites revolving around Jupiter. Ergo, at least one thing that the Church said was false. Ah, but they were kleptocrats! Kleptocrats are not accountable to the evidence of experience. The truth is whatever they say it is. Thus Galileo's evidence was overruled by the authority of myth. (Where the banner didn't read "The Bible" then it read "Aristotle": that is, the managed Aristotle: a dead man's written word, with the dead man not available to correct his "experts.")

All right. The hell with history. The hell with the Caesars and the Church and with Stalin. The hell with Hitler and Nixon. Just think: what lies have you been told since Watergate? Even if you don't go as far as I do and see for example American democracy, free trade, freedom of speech, assembly, etc. as just another set of myths, utterly unsupported by rationally reviewed evidence, and perpetrated on you by the current crop of kleptocrats so that they can have their hands in your pockets, their hands in your marriage, on your life, on your children (in fact, how can you say they're your children when the Church takes them x number of hours and the school y number of hours, and the court, the cop, the social worker can walk in and take them from you on any pretext) ... still consider what lies and interferences you do see.

What do you do? Vote for one who promises more goodies and less interference? Did you happen to notice how many government palaces Ronald Reagan built for himself once you'd elected him on the basis on his rhetorical anarchism? I'd like to see a study of the following: chart candidates who promise more of something, monitor their term. How many actually gave more of the whatever; how many less? Do the same for those who promise less. People voted for Nixon to kill the commies. What did he do? He made treaties, nice treaties, with China. Where was the hook?

If there ever really were a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, what people would be so stupid as not to install a recall system? There was recent news of a politician who ran for election on a platform of mandatory retirement under some condition: age, number of terms ... Elected, he reached that position and announced that he'd changed his mind: he'd stay in office. If his office really were our office which we appointed him to occupy, why didn't we change the locks on the door, bar him from the hall, clean out his locker and put the stuff on the street? Why didn't we sue him to pay for a new election?

(Of course there is a recall system, a mythic one. The kleptocrats are supposed to police themselves. And even the extent to which it is real and has even actually surfaced on some occasions, is still mythic so long as the media, like the lawyers, the doctors, the churches ... are fellow kleptocrats in league with the political kleptocrats.)

Kleptocracy is an Abbott and Costello routine. The kleptocrat is Abbott and we're Costello: screwed, swindled daily. And he still says he's our best friend. (And we say so too: if Costello didn't have Abbott to swindle him, what would he have? He'd be, heaven forefend, alone.)

To close this insert, I'll say one last thing: Jesus talked about the truth. Pontius Pilate talked about the truth. The Church talks about the truth. Governments talk about the people. Revolutionaries talk about the people. Sociopaths talk about the people. In one "Introduction" at Macroinformation I argue that the truth is another Christian universal that doesn't exist. This statement may correspond to experience and that statement not, but there is no Platonic Form: The Truth. Similarly, here I say that there is not and never has been such a thing as The People. There's you and me and him and her ... I never signed any social contract. Did you? Isn't it the case instead that a bunch of lawyers got together and palmed another illusion onto us? When I have suggested ways that we could form a union, a real one, honest ... nothing happened. The kleptocrats had us too busy with their illusions. There is no people; just upwards of five billion dupes of kleptocracy.

Diamond calls the latter two types of organization kleptocracy and henceforth I shall too. The points I've been making for decades Diamond seems to take for granted. I emphasize them not because I believe kleptocratic citizens will recognize themselves in the mirror and reform, but because I want it to be clear ... once the animals are gone, all is domesticated and all domesticates require hospitalization, once the remaining oil is unreachable, the waters all poisoned ... while only the richest kleptocrats can afford gas masks to breathe the air ... when all of the soldiers and police turn on all of the tax payers ... when the taxpayers lay in wait for the police and each other, baseball bat or golf club in hand (no right-caliber bullets to be had), for—finally—a little fresh meat ... as clear as it can be to crazed cannibals, that it was unnecessary, that we (necessarily many fewer of us) could have chosen sanity, restraint, nature ... and lived much better, much longer.

Our long slide turning to a short slide will have been unnecessary: provided that is that sentience is potentially anything but a genetic defect.

Meantime, I continue my characterization of, bless you Diamond, kleptocracy.

Mankind has long been specialized. We certainly didn't invent specialization. It's the females who produce the eggs, the males the sperm; it's the males who have upper body mass and leverage, the females who are lower to the ground, have better balance ... All humans beings defend their territory, but the males define territory in acres, the females in cubic yards ... (Once behind the wheel, we must all become females.) Culture emphasizes these specialties, sometimes factitiously: the females gather food encumbered by baby or gather close to where the baby is cached; the male searches further afield ... Experience is honored in either gender. The organization of the group is casual. Puberty is a hallmark, but children are still people, not chattel as states' laws have it.

Things change qualitatively as well as quantitatively once the numbers of humans exceed a few hundred. Organization becomes hierarchical. Now the adult is not "more experienced" than the child but "better" than the child (until it backfires and the child becomes "innocent"). The male is better than the female (until that backfires and the female is sanctified). The chief is better than the ordinary male. ...

The hunter pretends to be a duck or a moose or a bush. The bush which is one hunter doesn't want to be shot by the bush which is another hunter, so communications develop in which identification is almost as important as misidentification. Hamlet opens with the line "Who's there?" What's the probability that the answer will be a lie? Well, in your own castle, the probability for the truth is very high: friend (Francisco and Bernardo are changing the guard.) But if Bernardo is actually a Nazi trying out his Brooklyn accent, your cave, home, castle, corporation may soon belong to his Nazis. (If your home is a castle or corporation, then you too are a kleptocrat. (Hamlet certainly was.) You probably have a deed saying that the castle is yours. The deed may be signed by the king who's supposed to have a deed signed by God. Don't worry: Francisco's Nazis will soon have their own deed signed by their king. You won't get to see where God signed their king's deed either, but you can bet they'll claim that the divine signature they don't have is more authentic than any that you don't have ever was.

Kleptocracy functions hierarchically. Kleptocracy creates its cosmology in its own image. There's a boss, an owner, a law giver. These laws are not confirmable in nature, mind you. You can't verify them in experience outside the group believing in or pretending to believe in the laws. Thou shalt not kill. ?!? How are you going to confirm that one? Come to think of it, you can't confirm its "truth" even within the group that declares it sacred. don't eat pork. Eat with your right hand, hold your dick with your left hand. In fact, the more laws a kleptocracy has, the less can they be confirmed even within the group with the laws. 55 mph speed limit? The President shall uphold the Constitution?

OK. Most of these points have already long been here in one place or another, one form or another. There's something else already strongly (at the least) implicit at this that I want side by side with the above recapitulation: if you want an accurate map of a kleptocratic territory, don't just swallow the kleptocrat's map; reverse engineer the kleptocratic map against the territory itself. Apply evolutionary theory. Apply the tools of reason. I don't mean the reason spoken of by Pope, Paine, Jefferson ... I mean the reason theorized by Karl Popper and tested by Peter C. Wason.

I dislike the word engineering the way I was dissatisfied with my knowing no word but "civilization," and I've been likewise dissatisfied with my attempts at a new coinage. But I have to say engineering twice. If you want to know how to fix what's wrong, quality engineer it.

Reverse-engineering tries to figure out what something's actual, not advertised, use is. Quality engineering bypasses the kleptocratic hierarchy. In quality engineering the consumer's opinion counts as much as the CEO's, the lineworker's as much as the foreman's.


Friend or Foe
I am indebted to Gore Vidal for the following bit of kleptocratic disability. Vidal was talking to a young Egyptian man who with his friends numbered among Egypt's military reserve. The friends were assigned to what should have been a cushy weekend guarding some nothing out in the desert. Halfway there, one of them confesses to having forgotten the beer and sandwiches, the falafel and yogurt, the whatever ... He'll go back and join them later. They're relaxing against their sandbags when they hear him arrive.Hi, guys, it's me.
What's the password?
Um, er ... I forgot it. Gimme a hint.
So what happened, Vidal inquires.We had to shoot him.Could any creature possibly be that stupid without having gone to school for it? Would any band or tribe member defer to a federated directive rather than to their friend?
After a bout of O'Brien's torture, George Orwell's Winston Smith no longer knows how many fingers O'Brien is holding up. That's just the way Big Brother wants it.
When 1984 was being popularly read in the 1950's, I suppose the book sellers expected us to see Stalin. I did. Now I see just any kleptocrat: American, Egyptian ...
(By the way, when I taught 1984 in a course I'd developed at the request of The New School for Social Research (1972), I thought I should have gotten a better laugh when I announced it to be the only "dated" book we'd read that semester.)
I am developing a reading of Hamlet's opening lines at Macroinformation.

2004 08 28 I've just been poking around in some memorabilia from my father's estate. Lo and behold I find that he saved the flier for that course!
pk Prophetic Novels course flier

I'll decipher the central message here:Ezra Pound has said that artists are the antennae of the race. Erich Fromm has said that prophets do not predict the future: they see the present in a state of pregnancy. This course will consider the prophetic nature of a number of novels written in the 20th century. Among the writers who will be studied are H.G. Wells, Conrad, Orwell, Hemingway, Faulkner, Beckett, Anthony Burgess, and James Dickey.
Paul Knatz taught English, including Poetry of the Later Renaissance, at Colby College. Founder and Coordinator of the Free Learning Exchange, a not-for-profit educational service for NYC. Engaged in writing a book, Paradox as Structure and Meaning in Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kleptocracy's Schools

2002 08 28
Baby oysters are ready to start filter-feeding the moment they're born. A lion kitten won't be ready for independence for quite a bit longer. To the degree that lions are social creatures, the independence will never be total: a lone lion is a sorry critter, the more so if it's female: the females are "twice" as social as the males. Even social vegetarians — elephants, for example — have years of development to undergo, to endure, before they become a mature member of elephant society.

Cooperating in groups is an old business. Bees and ants were at it long before there was such a human critter as an "Abel" or a "Cain." Bees have a kind of a "nursery": as do wolves, as do human-beans. "School" relates to ways in which man, the social creature, has corralled the young for periods of orientation, instruction, drill ... throughout the age of the species. I don't doubt that Cro-Magnon man sorted those who had undergone puberty from those who hadn't for certain occasions. Neither do I doubt that "boys" were separated from "girls" for even more occasions. I concede all of that: and yet insist:What school has come to mean by current times is unprecedented both in biology and in human history.
Not only is school artificial, school is harmful: a pathology: a ruinously expensive pathology.
Such schools are incompatible with quality knowledge.
Such schools are incompatible with a quality society.
Such schools are intolerable for a spectrum of reasons.
Not only is school ruinously costly to nearly all societies; school is harmful to learning. Anyone succeeding in the world at large must unlearn staggering proportions of his "education."

2008 05 04
The phrase "harmful to learning" I just changed from "harmful to education." Shame on me. Many a person won't follow the distinction even when it's Ivan Illich or pk doing the explaining; but I'm one of the first to see Illich's point, and I remain THE one to insist on repeating it no matter the cost to me! (Poverty, jail, censorship, banishment ...) Learning is a natural process, inseparable from survival; education is a factitious artifact of industrial kleptocracy. Education has half-bankrupted the world, lowered intelligence, narrowed skill, and will kill us all before it's done.

What's taught in schools is more akin on the one hand to propaganda, to brainwashing, than it is to knowledge. On the other hand, it's more akin to sheep herding, preparation for the abattoir, than practice for democracy.
Were we interested in liberty alone, coercive schooling would be an abomination.

Were we interested in education alone, mass-produced schooling would be an abomination.

I could, and still may, expand on the above points, but in this initial draft choose to proceed to this point: compulsory and universal schooling was not successfully resisted by those citizens of the nineteenth-century United States who allowed a half-assed Jeffersonian democracy to be transformed into an industrial fodder-feeder. The industrial captains and their lieutenants yanked the cloth from under the silver right while we were all sitting at table. Not bad as a magic trick (and just great for profits), but very bad for the health of the society. That's done: Indelible. What I see as worse:The public failed to take the opportunity given it in 1970 to slough off kleptocratic prescriptions: possibly to reverse the damage.By 1970 Ivan Illich had combined the socially sane intentions of certain cyberneticists to, in van Foerster's words, "map the community," with the school criticisms of thinkers from Paul Goodman and John Holt to Everett Reimer and Illich himself.A library which maintained data on learning resources (including consumer feedback about those resources) and was cybernetically available to the public through myriad public terminals would be all the education institution a free (and convivial) people would want.Realize: that was well before the PC!
By 1971 I had multiply corresponded with Illich and was advertising that I would be the librarian.I founded the Free Learning Exchange, Inc.And here's the kicker:The public, didn't support it: failed to fund its own liberation: its own entryway to the networking of free information.I thought I could make a good start for maybe $100,000. IBM'S Directory of University Relations told me that $20,000,000 a year would be more like it for New York City alone. Even were he a hundred times more right than I (and I don't doubt that he would be, I not knowing anything about budgets at that time), that's still a pittance compared to New York City's public school budget: to say nothing of New York City's total education budget: day care through post-docs. (Include non-coerced education to get the proper figure that should be compared: FLEX would have served all learning needs: with pure, unadulterated information!)

FLEX literature was handed out on the streets of New York. Local, city wide, and national newspapers gave some publicity. News and interviews soon spread to radio and cable TV. Human resources began registering their availability. Would-be learners were writing and calling: to be put in touch with other learners or with "teachers" : their choice.

As the one actually trying to do it (as other learning networks in other cities, world-wide also opened for business (the Learning Exchange in Evanston having had Illich ties far longer than I), I envisaged a universal network: one whose scope would include Tierra del Fuego and the Aleutian Islands; but whose administration would remain decentralized: grass roots. I'll do NYC. Denis is doing Evanston. Once we hear from pks or Denises in Lima, in Seville, in Peking ... I'll hope to lead us in how we can interconnect. I saw my job, first, as being to actually start it, and second, to make sure, the best humanly possible (by this individual) to make sure that the institution, ideally publicly run as well as publicly financed, remained
pure. That is: no compulsion, no coercion may intrude: at the institutional level. That is, a teacher may compel students to, for example, read a particular book: just as a parent may; but there must be no social compulsion that any student must be a student of that coercive teacher. If you're coerced: it's voluntary. Either you entered the contract or your parents put you there and engaged in a contract on your behalf. Compulsion cannot be banished from human behavior so long as some humans are not yet adults. But compulsion should be tolerated only within the family; never by a state or a church.

I'll be back. I still haven't addressed the things that are the real target of this piece: schools, including universities, as a kleptocracy's way of assuring that certain ideas don't get discussed, that, like a church, schools have their own taboos, their own heresies: all unacknowledged by the (largely unconscious) participating censors.

I mention Abelard below. Abelard couldn't get a fair hearing in his own 11th century: he hasn't gotten one since. I can personally testify that his subject matter is still censored because Abelard's nominalism is a key part of my doctoral thesis that my university used a series of tricks to subvert: to prevent the clear presentation of. The Inquisition lives: but has gone secular!

There are now so many files on schools and schooling here at that a casual visitor may not be able to see how many trees there are or how many forests. Hitherto those files were concentrated in either of two directories: my FIX / FLEX directory (now Deschooling or the school experience section of my biographical narratives. Subsequently a third folder has further complicated things: additional school stories, stories that hadn't come in my original gush. Now I initiate this file and put it in my NoHier / Kleptocracy section as an overview from my current perspective. The FLEX directory is only just being moved to my new server. Next up there, perhaps even before the menu is renovated, will come my History of Universities [at my InfoAll blog].


Compulsion by Family vs. Compulsion by State
The right to coerce may be sub-contracted by a family member to someone outside the family. Eloise's father gave Abelard full-parental authority to be strict with her. Papa may not have liked the result once he learned that the priest was screwing Papa's teenager twelve ways from Sunday, but he had asked for it. And Eloise certainly seemed to like it.
M. Night Shyamalan's Hindu parents sent their son to a Roman Catholic school: not so that he would be Catholic; but so that he would experience strictness. And look at the result: he makes interesting films and makes them well: films in which some off-beat themes gain original treatment.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Kleptocracy: "Civilized" Man as Thief

What is commonly referred to as "history" is the record of kleptocracy written by kleptocrats for kleptocrats (whitewashing their laundry). Until recently we didn't know beans about the cultures that did fine for tens of thousands of years before agriculture, cities, kings, wars, conquest ... were ever invented. Depending on how you date the "species," that period could be stated in hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

Some of us know how we came by our fortune,
and some of us don't,
but we wear it all the same.

The Poisonwood Bible

Added 2002 06 25... through all historic times, wherever any people have
advanced beyond the savage state, and have learned to increase their means
of subsistence by the cultivation of soil, a greater or less number of them
have associated and organized themselves as robbers, to plunder and enslave
all others, ... who had either accumulated any property that could be
seized, or had shown, by their labor, that they could be made to contribute
to the support or pleasure of those who should enslave them.

Lysander Spooner

(More is quoted at

Notice: In the United States for example (a society routinely dropping bombs on people while making speeches about freedom, self-determination, law, rights, order ...), those who opposed slavery prior to the Civil War had their morality judged by the slavers. (You didn't have own or trade in slaves to be a slaver: just author or support laws that said it was OK: right, Godly, Christian, biblical ...)

Thus:Kleptocratic society is set up so that those who commit the greatest crimes sit in judgment on those who didn't.In recent decades, those who exercised their theoretical "right" to free speech and conscience in opposing US support of a Vietnamese government that locked its own citizens in concentration camps, were terrorized by hard hats (New York's mayor proudly sporting a hard hat himself in the next parade), had to flee the country, were fired from their teaching posts. Now we know what "free speech" means. Their morality was judged by the bomb droppers.

Kleptocracies are full of "experts." Experts are the intellectuals who didn't get relativity, still don't get evolution ... but teach it, decide what may be published, what should be read ... Don't forget: Einstein's own physics teacher did everything in his power to prevent the publication of Relativity. Don't forget that prior to Einstein's making a suggestion to Roosevelt that benefited the US war effort (getting Einstein his picture in Life Magazine), Einstein was on international hit lists: a condemned "thought criminal."

If you think that genocide was wrong when the loser of a war did it but is just dandy having been committed wholesale (previously) by the winners of the war, then you should be well at home in what you have: kleptocracy.

Wake up, Wake up Darlin' Corey
What makes you sleep so sound?
Those highway robbers are comin':
Go'n tear your still house down.

1999 12 03 All governments are kleptocracies. Thus, all government officials, yes, even the bureaucrats, are kleptocrats. We may vilify Stalin and deify Lincoln, but they're both kleptocrats. The Caesars stole from some senators, but even if they hadn't, they still stole nature. And they can't give it back.

(I'll be illustrating other types of kleptocratic theft soon.)

Well, the last time I saw Darlin' Corey,
She was sitting on the banks of the sea
With a .45 strapped around her bosom
And a banjo on her knee.

About here the original module began singing the praises of Jared Diamond. I move that material to a file in his honor.


Darlin' Corey
A day or two after reading some Rothbard passages on the subject of government as money pirates, in a games trance, a Pete Seeger version of the old Appalachian folk song kept cycling through my head: decades since I last listened to it. A word or two may be different from versions you've heard but I bet if I did refit the studio to play an old 10" LP, I'd be dead on accurate. But it's folk music. I've heard Seeger alone sing it a half dozen different ways: her gun is bound around her waist, her gun is strapped on her bosom ...
Researchers have gone into oral cultures with epic as a living art and recorded recitations of the culture's epics: then asked for a repeat. The epic was different each time: to a digital society! the same each time—"exactly"—to the oral listeners. Remember the variants in Shakespeare's quarto editions. Some may be mistakes of memory, others may be variants penned by Shakespeare himself. I doubt that he worried overly about them during a performance of "his" work.
Billie Holiday prided herself on never singing a song the same way twice. Would Bach have ever cloned one of his fugues in any n performance? I've heard Jack Elliot botch Guthrie lyrics because he was obviously too drunk not to botch something; and heard him recomposing Guthrie: and Woody wouldn't have argued. The above song is "Darlin' Corey" almost however you sing it. Government as "highway robbers" is a constant; Corey getting a gun is a constant. Corey still playing her banjo is what keeps the species going.


Here are a couple of points about kleptocracy I don't remember having developed before:

Kleptocracies need numbers. Sutter could have stopped two or three gold panners from stealing his gold, but not the thousands of '49s who overran his young country of New Helvetia. Once the US saw that the theft was multiply ratified, the US led the continuing theft.

Native Americans noted that the white land-grabbers were "like leaves on the trees." Had Crazy Horse been able to defeat the waves of troops that followed after he'd defeated Custer, still more troops would have been issued by Washington.

But the worst example of kleptocracy to my mind are the invisible thefts: thefts where the thieves don't even see that they're stealing: like the stealing of the basic public networking ideas of Ivan Illich into dating services, followed by Yahoo, Google, EBay ... like the stealing of the basic internets principals of yours truly pk, telling other networkers around the globe in 1971, 1972 that we should interconnect.

The universities, the media ... go along with the thefts, ratifying ignorance, shoring up misinformation ...

But once a majority sees free feeding on a victim, why it would be a sin not to join the orgy.

These days I enjoy imagining things that a God might do to kleptocrats on a Judgment Day. If Tom steals Becky's watch, God, or Becky's older brother, can make Tom give it back to her. If Tom stole Becky's watch and raped her and killed her, God, or Becky's older brother, can torture Tom, shove Becky's watch up his ass, then down his throat. But what could God do to Washington after Washington takes the gold in the Lakota Black Hills?

Even if I don't know, I sure hope that God does.

This morning I jotted a note about the Lakota: what if Crazy Horse had defeated Custer and the replacement to Custer that Washington sent, and Washington's next replacement after that? What if Washington had decided that expansion west to too expensive after all? It could have happened. Answer this: how long could the Lakota have gone on raiding their neighbors and hunting bison before the Chinese decided that they needed a new continent?

I don't believe that restraint will ever be practiced by large groups of the current version of Homo sapiens. God eggs us on. I look to Nature to restrain both man and God.

PS: Don't bother to point out to me that my one use of the concept "God" is incompatible with some other use of the word "God": that was multiply analyzed at and multiply explained at my destroyed domain Clarity would require semantic tags bigger than the phone book for each usage. If you don't carry such tags in your head, then it's all nonsense anyway.

Anti-Klep Faith

People take a half a dozen billion humans eating and shitting themselves out of house and home as evidence that we're succeeding. I see it as evidence that we've failed.

I see no one having understood a word I've said since the mid-1960s as proof that we've failed: and that Jesus failed too. (Jesus is a group fiction: I and others are real. Please, see the Symbol.) published a solution: If everyone admitted that everything was stolen, that nothing inherited as private (or cultural) property was really legitimate, then perhaps a legitimate property concept could begin to be developed. First everyone would have to renounce all privilege for themselves and their supergroup.

My son says that "nothing can be done" about kleptocracy. Sure: if he's kidnapped from me at age five so I can't raise him? If he joins the majority in interrupting me, misunderstanding me, then sure he's right: nothing can be done if we obliterate messages from those who see something to try.

I was addicted to trying. Now I admit failure but am still addicted to saying that I tried.

Meantime, I don't believe that Homo sapiens can (or should) succeed unless someone else can succeed where Jesus and Illich and I failed.

But that's ridiculous. It's too late. Maybe 1970 was already too late. Maybe 1965 had been too late. Maybe 10,000 years ago (the Late Pleistocene Overkill, the invention of agriculture ...) was already too late.


2011 07 15 Everything of pk's is to be moved to PKnatz blog.
First I link these pkKlep files into a menu; then I'll move the files to pK and relink the titles; and all else will be moved from blogs, as menus, then files moved, then the rest of K. will attempt further reconstruction while of course I continue to build new.

My first essay on kleptocracy was added to my domain in 1999. A search of pk domains by 2006 prior to my arrest, prior to the court censoring but also knocking all my domains off line, would have produced one thousand nine hundred matches! Most occurrences would have been found in the fifty or so modules I intend to recreate (simplified, blog versions of) here. Note that my InsTic (Institutions-Critic) blog closely parallels this one (as does much of my IonaArc) (and others).

The blog names klep and klleptocracy were taken. Visit those blogs and notice: nothing was done with either! (as of this date.)

2009 03 22
I take this occasion to note:

I don't believe the human species can fulfill its potential so long as we tolerate kleptocracy. We live on land we know was stolen. We know the roads we drive on were modernized by authorities who weren't overly fussy as to how the human labor was acquired: need another shovel? arrest another nigger. Any one who pays attention in school — I don't mean pay attention to the teacher; I mean pay attention to the school itself, to what the school is doing! — knows exactly how the dominant culture (that is, the kleptocratic culture) represses, deflects, diverts, vitiates ... ideas that ruffle the fur of the culture's owners: the industrialists for the last bunch of generations, the major land controllers before that ...

All my ideas of what to do have been thwarted. My fiction wasn't published! (No need for censorship if you don't let word around in the first place!) My cheap internet was ignored, then squashed, then stolen decades later by an expensive internet, but not before my wife kidnapped our son, made sure he was raised without any discussion with me, was backed in this theft by the kleptocracy, the thieves at large, the society of thieves.

If I ask where the bank is, someone will tell me. That sort of communication is possible. But if I say what I think should be done with banks, no one hears me. If I say what should be done with our secular hypocrisy, no one hears me ...

I've been fired, not published, blackballed ... finally arrested, censored, my life and business destroyed ... Does my family tell the neighbors? No!!! (Do the neighbors find out anyway and tell each other? No!)
Do the police arrest themselves? arrest the FBI? Ditto, ditto, ditto.

But before I rant on, let me first remount some of the principal files that were already on line on the subject when I got arrested: in 2006. vitiates ... ideas that ruffle the fur of the culture's owners: the industrialists for the last bunch of generations, the major land controllers before that ...