The German people used Hitler the way girls seduce guys: by not knowing they're doing it! Ignorance is innocence.
The German people used Hitler the way Americans used Washington: to steal anything from anybody: the forest from the soil, the land from the natives, gold from the Lakota, from John Sutter ...
The German people used Hitler the way Americans use Congress, and MIT ... to steal cybernetic networking, cybernetic record keeping from Ivan Illich and Paul Knatz: without paying royalties, without giving credit.
Americans used Washington, and Lincoln, and Reagan ... the way they use the school board: so that no one will know where anything really comes from, except in the version the school board wants them to believe. The school board falsifies information the way the Bible scribes falsified scripture.
Individuals are responsible for their behavior: groups use a stalking horse: so that their left hand knoweth not what their right hand doeth, and visa versa.
Americans used MIT, and Al Gore, to steal from pk so that when God says to them at Judgment, "How come you didn't support my servant Ivan, my servant pk, sent to help you," all the people of the world can say, and mean it, "We didn't know, The Times didn't tell us, the school misinformed us ..."
I didn't put that in my pocket, Hitler put it there.
It isn't our fault.
And then what will God say? I don't think he'll have to say anything. It's what he'll do that I look forward to seeing: long after my death I don't doubt, but still ...
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