Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anti-Klep Faith

People take a half a dozen billion humans eating and shitting themselves out of house and home as evidence that we're succeeding. I see it as evidence that we've failed.

I see no one having understood a word I've said since the mid-1960s as proof that we've failed: and that Jesus failed too. (Jesus is a group fiction: I and others are real. Please, see the Symbol.) published a solution: If everyone admitted that everything was stolen, that nothing inherited as private (or cultural) property was really legitimate, then perhaps a legitimate property concept could begin to be developed. First everyone would have to renounce all privilege for themselves and their supergroup.

My son says that "nothing can be done" about kleptocracy. Sure: if he's kidnapped from me at age five so I can't raise him? If he joins the majority in interrupting me, misunderstanding me, then sure he's right: nothing can be done if we obliterate messages from those who see something to try.

I was addicted to trying. Now I admit failure but am still addicted to saying that I tried.

Meantime, I don't believe that Homo sapiens can (or should) succeed unless someone else can succeed where Jesus and Illich and I failed.

But that's ridiculous. It's too late. Maybe 1970 was already too late. Maybe 1965 had been too late. Maybe 10,000 years ago (the Late Pleistocene Overkill, the invention of agriculture ...) was already too late.

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